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Take Yourself
Less Seriously
A 3-month immersion for leaders looking to restore their sense of humor, plug into the power of play and have more fun with work, healing and relating!
Starting November 2022
Wants to learn how to use the power of Play to increase your energy levels consistently?
Keeps getting stuck in patterns of procrastination, perfectionism, and overthinking around what matters?
Wants to burn the boxes around work and play and find ways to infuse levity into your lifestyle?
Is ready to become more magnetic to partners, clients, and social connections?
Desires to develop a more profound sense of humor and delight in life?
Wants to feel safe and on purpose in states of play?
Are you a
• leader • creative • visionary •
Please pause for this very serious and important message about what happens when you leave me alone with editing software for too long.
Back to the REAL serious business.
If this sounds like you, I bet you're now wondering, "What's Involved?"
I'm so glad you asked!
I just so happen to have the answers.
• This is a high-intimacy, small-group container.
• I will only be taking a maximum of 3 people so that everyone can get individualized attention.
• We'll be meeting every week on Zoom starting the week of November 1st to the last week in January.
• These 12 calls will be around 1.5 hours long.
• The weekly call times will be determined once the group is filled based on ideal time for all parties.
• Each week we will journey through simple and silly transformative processes that I use with private clients to unlock their most natural relationship to play.
These will include but are not limited to:
• Exploration and optimization of your dominant Play Personalities
• The most simple and powerful exercise for preventing nervous system overwhelm
• How to use the power of Quirky Pattern Interrupts to prevent energy drain spirals
• Inner Child Clearings around your relationship with the energetics of Play, Flow and Levity
• Personalized, Intuitive Energy Clearings to address any of YOUR specific challenges with relaxing
• "Shadow Play" - my unique process for bringing embodiment, fun and creativity to shadow work
• Breathwork and Ceremony to connect with the essence of our Inner Children
• Dance Parties. Pants optional.
• Other Surprises *cue suspenseful violins*
The Exchange:
$2,220 (4 payments of $555)
The initial deposit to hold your spot is $555.
PIF Discount: $2,000 (save $220)
Extended payment plans can be discussed if it feels aligned for me.
"The upside of having yourself a Chrissy is that she is the combination of an energy alchemist, a therapist, a standup comedian, an endless invitation for play, and an absolute Jedi master at holding the wide range of rainbow that comes forth from your humanness. The safety and care within her container is unmatched compared to anyone I’ve worked with thus far. Frankly, her modeling this for herself and her clients has been paramount for me to be able to slowly build my own safety and capacity to actually sit with my emotions and feel them. It's like having a motherly sage like figure as your sidekick who just holds you and witnesses you JUST long enough for you to start holding yourself while you begin rewriting your programming."
- Cait H., Psychic, Mother, Artist -

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