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Craving the freedom to unlock the power of your voice without your throat tensing up,

or the pressure of performance?​


What if you could express yourself without the fear of sounding “wrong,”

and simply let go into a state of flow?


Your voice is meant to energize and heal, not leave you feeling drained. If your throat tightens up when you sing or speak, it’s probably because you’ve been shrinking your sound to feel acceptable or pushing it to sound like someone else. The LIES of you’re “too loud,” "untrained," or “not enough” make our voice curl up and hide. But here’s the good news: your authentic vocal expression is a muscle, and with the right care, it can bounce back to intuitive, vibrant health.​


​The Untamed Voice is a safe and loving playground to become best friends with your vocal expression

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Somewhere in a dingy box, there’s a good ole VHS tape where I'm ducking, jumping & body rolling along the OG family couch at 4 years old. Clutching a plastic mic, I'm putting on a one-woman broadway show. The plot line was totally incoherent, but I was fully in flow. Unbothered by the archaic camera perched on my mom's shoulder.


Fast forward through years of church choir and high school theater. By then, comparison and perfectionism had taken root. I was now concerned with sounding “pleasant and impressive.” (Years of watching dreams get shredded on American Idol didn’t help. Thanks, Simon.)​


“Sing for us Chrissy!” became a dreaded request. What if I sound BAD? *Cue the golf ball in my throat* And yet, singing was still one of the only ways I felt connected to something bigger than myself. So I joined vocal groups and an indie band in college, collaborated with rap artists, hired voice teachers, and continued pushing past the nausea of performance. But I never felt the ease and freedom of being 4 and unbothered by how my voice was perceived. In fact, it no longer felt like it was for me anymore.​


Then, decades later, I made a commitment to stop trying to squish my voice under performance pressure. I started making sounds just to make sounds. Sighing, humming, toning vowels - feeling the vibrations, release, and relaxation. I began working through the fear of looking and sounding ugly. Over time, my voice finally felt like it was channeling something real, powerful and untamed. It wasn’t about performing anymore; it was about purpose, and plugging back into flow.


When I eventually started sharing these intuitive sounds in front of others,  my body would vibrate with electricity and I'd feel more alive and connected than ever. People would cry, or tell me they could sense the next notes I would sing before I sang them. A friend recently told me I have a thousand-year-old woman inside me. 



What does untaming your voice even mean? 

It means dropping the need to sound "perfect" or pleasant to others, reversing patterns of tension, and reclaiming your voice for what you want—whether that’s feeling, creating, praying, or healing.



  • Reduce throat tension to make sounds with ease

  • Neutralize traumatic memories around using your voice

  • Creatively connect with intuitive melodies—no performance pressure

  • Soothe your nervous system through vocal vibration

  • Uplift your mood

  • Expand your vocal range and power

  • Access flow states and a sense of the Sacred

  • Build confidence in self-expression (whether you’re singing in the shower or laughing like a hyena at the movies)​


Even if you…


* Don’t consider yourself a “singer” 

* Have never had vocal training

* Did have vocal training but felt it wasn’t exactly what you needed

* Used to sing but now feel "rusty"






This 1-1 program will help you:

Now, I want to help you unlock your thousand-year-old vocal sage. Let’s chuck the bird to Simon Cowell and anyone who’s ever made you feel like your voice wasn’t good enough. It’s time to reclaim it for YOUR healing, pleasure, and creativity. Let’s celebrate those “weird,” edgy, and intuitive sounds that are just waiting to be set free.


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How is this different from other vocal programs?

Forget Performance—Let’s Get Real: This isn’t about hitting the right notes or impressing anyone. It’s about finding that sweet spot of surrender and ease, where your voice can unleash pure catharsis and power. While I can offer techniques to help you create ease in your expression, we won’t be drilling songs or trying to sound a certain way. As we explore your raw, natural sounds, you’ll be surprised how your voice expands naturally. 


Trauma? Let’s Neutralize It: If you’re feeling stuck on certain sounds, we’ll dig deep to uncover what’s holding you back. With my background in inner child healing and trauma work, we’ll get to the root of it all, helping your voice blossom into its full potential. We’ll also move at your pace, starting with small movements and sounds and building from there. This is not a cookie cutter program. It’s meant to mold to your unique goals. 


Playtime for Your Voice: Who said this has to be serious? We’ll dive into a playful exploration of sound, experimenting with all kinds of vocal textures until you find the ones that light you up. Because inspiration thrives on creativity—and we’re going to unlock the vibrant aliveness that’s uniquely yours.

little behbeh Chrissy singing at a nursing home - already starting to feel nervous about her voice on display

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“I would really only sing in front of people when it was refined or speaking when I knew what I was talking about. Now I have access to real authenticity in my vocal expression, and that is in huge part to Chrissy. In so many wellness spaces, there’s this polished way we think we need to present that dilutes the natural, raw honest essence inside us. Chrissy encouraged me to bring a LOT of this naturalness forward.


Just observing the way that she could bring something so beyond language into texture and sound was so powerful for me. It’s like, “You just took something that would have needed essays of editing for me to express, and there it is, in raw sound.” It really shifted my perspective as a singer and a practitioner around how sound can be more of what we need than any words we could find.


Chrissy represents this energy of…bring it as is it - and look how beautiful…and she’s brought that forward in me, to the point that I’m using my voice in totally new and exciting ways now.”


- Jessi Marino, Founder and Artistic Muse of Wild Essence (


Your voice is meant to color outside the lines.​

Let's unlock its creative flow together.

Ready to untame?

Here's the scoop

The journey involves 12, 60 minute virtual sessions over the course of 6 months.


Sessions involve:


  • Warming up the body and voice through gentle movement and sound

  • Trauma processing and energy clearing techniques to soften vocal tension and heal the inner perfectionist

  • Exploring different sound qualities and textures

  • Expressing emotions and energy through sound

  • Breathwork to strengthen the lungs and heighten presence

  • Creative games to unlock flow and intuitive expression

  • Weekly check-ins for accountability between sessions are also included

  • You will need access to Zoom on a computer, not phone, for these sessions


Total investment: 



Payment plans? Absolutely.

$299/month for 6 months


Pay in Full Discount? You bet! 



  • Email me at with subject line, "The Untamed Voice" to inquire about my current openings or get on my waitlist

  • If your curiosity is peaked but you’re not entirely sure yet, you can email me to schedule an intro session for $150 and give me a “test drive”




" Working with Chrissy has been like an entire system reboot + hard drive replacement. The upside of having yourself a Chrissy, is that she is the combination of an energy alchemist, a therapist, a standup comedian, an endless invitation for play, and an absolute Jedi master at holding the wide range of rainbow that comes forth from your humanness. The safety and care within her container is unmatched compared to anyone I’ve worked with thus far. Frankly, her modeling this for herself and her clients has been paramount for me to be able to slowly build my own safety and capacity to actually sit with my emotions and feel them. It's like having a motherly sage like figure as your sidekick who just holds you and witnesses you JUST long enough for you to start holding yourself while you begin rewriting your programming. She's helped me make working with the anxious parts of myself a game instead of something to feel shame over. "


- Cait H

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waking up and feeling an effortless connection to your voice. You can sigh, hum, tone and sing throughout the day without second-guessing yourself or feeling tension. No more worrying about sounding “right” or “nice.”


You work as a team, no longer trying to force it into places it’s not ready to go, or imitate people who are not you. Other people tell you they're moved by your voice, not because it's "pretty" - because it's real.  


You find joy in experimenting with it, exploring new territories and textures, from the quietest hum to the loudest shout. You feel your vocal range and power deepening every day, just by playing with it intuitively.


Your voice has become a source of healing and aliveness, a tool for grounding, and a way to connect with something greater than yourself. It is your companion, your creative muse, and your playmate. No longer a prisoner to expectations, it has become,




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