What if you could Serve & Create Powerfully without feeling Ungrounded,
or sacrificing Fun, Flow and Freedom?
There is a simple, more efficient way to serve, heal and live well.
One where you don't feel stretched thin.
Where LESS is the key to MORE
Welcome to PRISM, your Personal Revolution.
You deserve to live Spaciously.
To move & Serve at the pace of Reverence, Joy & Delight.
As part of being a full-spectrum human, I’m also a Generator in human design, a Capricorn sun, and the oldest of 5 siblings, which basically means, my Achilles heel is a deep & dirty kink for over-achieving and supporting others at the EXPENSE of prioritizing rest, intuition & play. Growth and service have always been core orientations of mine. Ever since I was little I knew I was literally DESIGNED to expand. I could sense that there were different ways of relating than the ones that governed my childhood, & that spark of curiosity spurred me into the wild west of personal development.
What I DIDN’T know until much later though,
is how trauma impacted my nervous system and what my body ACTUALLY needed. I didn’t know that my ancestral lineage held forgotten wisdom about embracing slowness & simplicity. I didn’t know that when the West was colonized, MORE consumption became the gold standard, MEASURABLE became what’s credible, & GROWTH became associated with conquering anything that felt inconvenient, unpredictable, & nuanced.
So that’s how I approached my growth:
By getting my masters in social work while working 2 jobs & volunteering at an unpaid internship, jumping from one certification to the next, devouring spiritual book after book, & wondering why it never felt enough. Why I was frequently nauseous. Why I felt a constant overlay of anxiety, heartburn, & physical tension. It was common for me to completely write off any given day as a “failure” if I didn’t check all the boxes of my morning routine or if I reached for a substance to cope halfway through. The goal was always to feel BETTER vs. to feel FULLY. Any sticky emotions felt like things to be conquered, not cooperated or conversed with.
I’d constantly over-analyze my decisions.
My creativity felt stifled.
And the clients and work I once loved began to feel like a burden.
Ironically, trauma is triggered when something happens “too much, too fast, too soon.” I didn’t realize that I was RE-traumatizing myself with my approach to growth and service, shoving things on my plate with the mantra of: “MORE. FASTER. BETTER.”
It wasn’t until I found a mentor who taught me how to nurture my nervous system & take myself way less seriously that I started to feel safe, intuitive, and enough in my body again. I developed a deep sense of inherent competence, & a faith that profound wisdom would always whisper to me in the silence, simplicity, and play I learned to prioritize for myself.
As a ripple affect, my business and relationships began to flourish.
I know what it’s like to chronically worry if you're doing enough to honor the fullness of your potential.
“I’ve started really owning my magic as a healer and taking on new clients. I’ve gotten invited onto 3 podcasts, and my current relationships are all getting deeper and more authentic. Now I have the ability to laugh at myself and not be so SERIOUS about things…If you had asked me two years ago if I saw myself here, I wouldn’t know what you’re talking about. I’d tell you you’re crazy. And here I am, happier than I’ve ever been.”
— Alyssa Meizoso: Jewelry Artist, Bio-Dynamic Resonance Practitioner
The opposite of play isn't work & responsibility.
It's a dulling of the Spirit.
A dampening of your Power & Capacity to Seduce Life
and feel Whole
The pillars we focus on in this private, 1-1 mentorship are:
This element is about Re-defining and Re-discovering what your most organic + natural relationship to play is. Play is not an activity. It's a state of being that evokes perspective, productivity, and power. We'll work on collapsing comparison in your energy patterns & discover / amplify your unique Play Personalities. Play will become a lens that you work and process through, not another thing you need to do (unless of course, you want to ;)
Radical Relating
This element is about unearthing and “un-looping” the roots of your resistance to meeting high sensations FULLY, both those that feel pleasurable and those that feel wildly uncomfortable. We'll excavate and liberate your relationship to Control, Surrender, Rest and Responsibility, and you'll develop an intimate connection with the different layers of your Inner Child. We'll also start integrating "Shadow Play," a wildly witchy & transformative process of bringing humor and play to the parts of us that want to sabotage Presence, Joy, Flow and Connection.
Intuitive Nurture
This element is about developing a deeper relationship with your body, nervous system needs, and intuitive voice. You'll become very clear on what you personally need to create calm & connection within. We'll also work on cultivating a more convicted relationship with your Wise, Centered Self and Inner Nurturer. As you deepen into meeting the needs of your inner child, we'll be training your nervous system to embrace process, faith and unpredictability. You'll create a personalized map for your nervous system to anchor back in Love & purpose, regardless of circumstance.
Sacred Simplicity
Boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries. We'll cut through the noise and support you in discerning what’s ESSENTIAL for the maturation of your Inner child, Intuition, and business. You'll continue to release patterns of over-thinking, over-complicating & over-consuming. As you develop a closer relationship with your Wiser Self, you'll begin to taste what it feels like to hold a level of competence that rests in your relationship to Higher Intelligence & the work you're embodying. Your self trust will deepen, and you'll be drawn only to whats Essential for alchemy in any given moment. It will become easier to marinate in the mundane & find Joy in the "little things" by developing simple, efficient "Presence practices" that train your brain to feel curiosity, wonder, and kinky delight.
Magnetic Resonance
This element is about taking the inner compassion & conviction you'll develop and radiating more of that into your relationships and business. In essence, you're deepening your relationship with the quantum mechanics of synchronicity. The liberated embodiment of your desires, Joy and self-acceptance will become your most powerful, magnetic service partner. As you create a cooperative, lively community between all your inner layers, your expression will become more bold in that it is more NATURAL - less forced, edited and compressed. The clients, relationships and support systems that are ready for you WILL show up when you meet and radiate yourself full-spectrum.
Neglecting Joy is the old way.
You deserve a revolution that Optimizes your Potential
through Play & Simplicity.
PRISM (The Revolution)
PRISM (Total Recalibration)
Which one feels like the best support for you?
You receive 16 ninety-minute private sessions that initiate you on the PRISMATIC path. These involve revolutionary energy clearings, intuitive guidance, and somatic embodiment work. Sessions may include breathwork, ceremony, movement, toning, and creative games. These sessions are held weekly over the course of four months (with flexibility for integration and life change considerations). Sessions every OTHER week is also an option.
As part of the mentorship, you also receive complimentary enrollment to my virtual membership site called The Spacious Place, which gives you access to live bi-monthly transformational breathwork ceremonies around the new and full moons, and a video library of alchemical content to support with integration. I also make myself available to you for consultation and voice note/email support between sessions.
Investment: $4,800
Extended payments plans available for 4 or 8 months
Pay in Full Advantage: $4,400 ( save $400 )
You receive 32 ninety-minute private sessions that initiate you on the PRISMATIC path. These involve revolutionary energy clearings, intuitive guidance, and somatic embodiment work. Sessions may include breathwork, ceremony, movement, toning, and creative games. These sessions are held weekly over the course of 8 months (with flexibility). Sessions every OTHER week is also an option.
This is an advanced path where we engage in something called Quantum Reparenting, a process where we energetically collapse the triggers you hold around your mother and father wounds. It is a deeper nervous system recalibration that will revolutionize the way you balance masculine and feminine energies in your life & business. With this option you also receive access to The Spacious Place membership, and voice note/email support between sessions.
Investment: $9,600
Extended payments plans available for 8 or 12 months
Pay in Full Advantage: $8,800 ( save $800)
This mentorship was designed for you if...
∞ You want to learn how to turn play into productivity and serve profoundly without taking yourself so seriously.
∞ You want to learn about your nervous system’s unique needs and how to optimize it to generate more creative energy, confidence and clarity.
∞ You desire to stop feeling guilty around boundary setting and prioritizing your needs for restoration
∞ You’re a high achiever with multiple passions who wants to weave your gifts together intuitively.
∞ You’re tired of taxiing your fatigued brain around all day and want to deepen into a sense of safety, pleasure and presence with your body.
∞ You desire MORE freedom and intimacy in life through SIMPLIFYING the way you work, process and play.
∞ You crave deeper connection with people who match your love for nuance, intellectual curiosity, compassion, and emotional maturity.
" I can’t think of better words other than that the Prism Mentorship with Chrissy Marie has been like an entire system reboot + hard drive replacement. The upside of having yourself a Chrissy, is that she is the combination of an energy alchemist, a therapist, a standup comedian, an endless invitation for play, and an absolute Jedi master at holding the wide range of rainbow that comes forth from your humanness. The safety and care within her container is unmatched compared to anyone I’ve worked with thus far. Frankly, her modeling this for herself and her clients has been paramount for me to be able to slowly build my own safety and capacity to actually sit with my emotions and feel them. It's like having a motherly sage like figure as your sidekick who just holds you and witnesses you JUST long enough for you to start holding yourself while you begin rewriting your programming. She's helped me make working with the anxious parts of myself a game instead of something to feel shame over. "
- Cait, Mother, Psychic, The Cosmic Hag
waking up with energy and clear intentions.
You move about your day with a sense of levity and spaciousness, delighted by what's on your schedule and the connections you'll make. Imagine feeling supported and clear with your needs, boundaries and desires. You trust that your presence is enough for every client interaction and you feel a spaciousness in your marketing and moment to moment self expression because it's not weighed down by shame or self-doubt. You are anchored in the wisdom of your breath and body, no longer ruminating in restless thoughts and compulsive planning. You don't carry other people's pain to bed with you and you've always got one foot placed in a sense of Purpose. Your heart bubbles with the exact inspiration and instructions you need to birth the next phase of your creations. You revel in rest, absent of guilt, & find magic in the seemingly mundane. Your expression is magnetic, and your service is Profound.
Your play and your work tango like synchronized lovers.
Your life IS the offering.
You deserve to be deeply loved and supported by someone who GETS the path & pitfalls of Revolutionary living.